Conceptual Physics I
(Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Energy, Rotational Motion, and Gravity)
Conceptual Physics II
(Electricity & Magnetism)
Honors Level Physics I
(Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Energy, Rotational Motion, and Gravity with word problems
Algebra Based
AP Physics I
(Honors Physics + Mechanical waves, Electric charge, Electric Potential, DC Ciruits )
Introduction to Modern Physics: Particle Physics/Atoms, Light, Relativity, Energy and Quantum Physics
(Conceptual Overview)
Fluids and Thermodynamics
(Conceptual Overview)

About us:
Members of J.D. Physics are fans about physics: everything physics, and the benefits that learning it yields in all aspects of our lives. Anything from scoring better marks at school, to using it to understand deeper secrets to how our cognitive brains work, developing problem solving abilities, and even using it to improve the physical abilities and wellness of our own human bodies. Whether through tutoring services or purchasing some of our educational products, clients and customers who have linked to J.D. Physics get the thing they're coming for: results!
We offer (local) tutoring services for anyone who wants to use physics to improve in any of these topics, but we also develop games and reading materials that will help you perfect these abilities for yourself! For information on tutoring services and classes we currently offer, please click on current classes on the toolbar above.
For information on our programs and updates on our game projects please click here or contact us
Our latest product:
Jack Dogg's card Game! Copyright 2017 by Xavier Claudio Salazar Rhodes
No matter how old you are, whether you need to pass your physics exams or want to prepare yourself for a technology related career, you're going to need physics!
We're proud to have developed the ultimate learning card game in physics! Like Apples to Apples meets Poker, but subliminally, it leaves users an with an imprint of learning physics that few traditional games can bring --- so much that a person playing this game has a better chance of passing their college physics I classes, high school physics, or readying themselves for a basic engineering career.
Actually, the game is so elementary in learning curve that even seven year olds have been able to learn the basics. But the best part about Jack Dogg's card Game: it is actually fun! Really fun --so insanely surreal and unique, that you'll start looking at reality in a completely different light! Don't take our word for it though, play a round for yourself!
Frequently asked questions about Jack Dogg's card Game
Colleagues that have played it have unanimously agreed that college/engineering students learning the sciences would eat this game up because it guarantees repetition in learning and allows for people to subliminally inquire a sincere interest in wanting to learn physics regardless of their degree. But it's not just restricted to engineering 'geeks'. Educational private schools, homeschools, and because of a very unique feature it has in the game play that is not even educational, the game could be appreciated to party goers who like traditional poker.
Who plays Jack Dogg's card Game?
The game is designed for ages twelve and up, but has been even tested with children as young as seven, who have come out of playing a few rounds and sincerely learned something valid about physics.
Can my kids learn physics better playing this game?
Absolutely. Our metrics have shown that students playing even a few rounds of Jack Dogg's card game will stimulate their interest in physics. Studies have shown that people really learn best when they ask questions. This game forces a player to ask questions while in the spirit of trying to come up with best way to win a round of gameplay.
So how do you play?
Think of it like Apples to Apples meets Poker. The objective of the game is to come up with an (ideally entertaining) story that ties in the topic in the description card with whatever situation is being described in the special 'stories/inventions' deck. sounds so simple, but you'd need to read the outlandishness, the sheer absurdity of tales that are being described in the card decks to savor the thrill of the game. Describing it mere words is like trying to describe discovering the meaning of life itself -- words won't do it justice; just play the game! Anyhow, once the round goes live, go around for each player, everybody gets a chance to ‘2’ also come up with an outlandish story. The most entertaining the story will receive a total of 3 extra points for that round.
Can parents use Jack Dogg's card Game to teach physics?
Absolutely! The interactive replay value is so functional, kids will be asking you what different topics are over and over. You'll look like an all-knowing guru and inspirational mentor to their impressionable young eyes as you capture the opportunity to teach them at your hearts content. Easy to use descriptions of all physics topics found in the description cards along with the illustrations on the cards that make the physics principles come to life is all you'll need. If you want to take all the credit for showing them the facts of life, have a blast!
Sounds too happy family oriented a game. It's probably then a lame party game
Actually, it's an ever better party game than a learning game. Just play the modified version of the game and let your brain tap into surreal storytelling and stupidity as you try to make it through the rounds

Are there various levels of difficulty?
Yes! There are various modes for playing the game; some more academically challenging than others. Sure, you could play Jack Dogg's cards to help pass your Physics I college exam, but lighten up!
Legit game played at a party 7 28 17
Metrics showed adult subjects (the dependent variable) were in a non intoxicated state of enjoyment from playing Jack Dogg's cards (the independent variable)
Tutoring Services
Do you have anxiety about learning physics? Don't worry, you're not alone, but we can help! Anyone who uses Jack Dogg's Science curriculum will minimize those anxieties. Between the classes we offer and our learning tools, my students gain that mastery of nature that we all wished we had! With my online services, you and your child will be able to learn without the stress and pressure that turns many students off to STEM education. With readily available tutoring that interacts with video tutorials and online classes, you will be able to explore the amazing mysteries of nature that is physics -- a discipline that will not only improve your chances for a great academic career, but enrich every other area of your life!
Each course we teach covers mandatory topics in physics with a world class physics teacher, plus quizzes, exams and solutions.

Conceptual Physics
Conceptual Physics Boot camp Grades: Elementary/Middle/High School/College: (Difficulty level varies per age group). Conceptual Physics Boot camp is great for beginner physics students who just want to learn without worrying about complicated word problems and hard math... Read More
Conceptual Physics I
(Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Energy, Rotational Motion, and Gravity)

Conceptual Physics II
(Electricity & Magnetism)

Conceptual Physics I
Grades: Elementary/Middle/High School/College: (Difficulty level varies per age group): no pressure of difficult word problems; just pure conceptual knowledge of learning physics for the purity of it! Crazy theories explored and creative assignments and activities encouraged! Read More
Conceptual Physics II
Grades: Middle/High School/College: (Difficulty level varies per age group). Conceptual Physics II is excellent class for any serious student or anyone wanting to get into engineering, science and technology fields. This class covers the conceptual basics of how charges work, Faraday's Law, voltage, current, Ohm's law, DC circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, electric fields, induction principles, magnetism and basic electronics! Read More
Honors Level Physics I
(Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Energy, Rotational Motion, and Gravity with word problems

Honors Level Physics I Grades: High School/College: (Difficulty level varies per age group). Honors Level Physics I is a great class for students wanting to learn beginner physics I curriculum, but included with this is mastery of solving complicated physics word problems and development in a student's math skills!...
Algebra Based AP Physics I
(Honors Physics + Mechanical waves, Electric charge, Electric Potential, DC Ciruits )
Introduction to Modern Physics: Particle Physics/Atoms, Light, Relativity, Energy and Quantum Physics
(Conceptual Overview)

Algebra Based AP Physics I Grades: High School/College level. Algebra Based AP Physics I is an excellent class for any student wanting to take physics and engineering in college. It will prepare a student with the necessary tools needed to excel in these fields. Topics covered: All of physics I curriculum as well as wave mechanics (including physics of sound), electric charge, electric fields, voltage, Ohm's law, DC circuits, and Kirchhoff's Laws
Intro to Modern physics All ages high school and up. Intro to Modern Physics is an
excellent class for anyone who seriously wants to understand the true mysteries of nature and the universe from the ground up! All major topics leading to truly tying in physics with chemistry and modern technology, and even philosophy are discussed
Fluids and Thermodynamics
(Conceptual Overview)

Mechanical Waves
(Conceptual Overview)
Fluids and Thermodynamics All ages high school and up. Fluids and Thermodynamics is an extremely useful class for preparing for physics III at the college level; covering: Pressure, hydraulics, Bernoulli's principle, mass flow rates, buoyancy, Reynold's principle, thermal equilibrium, heat transfer, the zeroth and first and second laws of thermodynamics phase changes, latent heat, Boyle's Law, and phase changes Read More
Mechanical Waves Grades: High School/College level. Mechanical Waves is an excellent beginner class for any student considering to take physics in college. Topics covered: wave mechanics (including physics of sound).
"What does playing kick ball have to do with Newton's Laws? Well, students are learning physics as they make their pinewood derby cars in woodworking, and also learn about the Three Laws of Motion as they race their cars. To prove the point of the second law of motion, our technology teacher, Mr. Salazar, invited the students to play a game of kick ball where students picked a card that read F=mA or F=Ma, and had to choose a ball of a certain mass, and study how the mass affected acceleration. Of course, our students had a lot of fun playing kick ball, while learning Newton's Laws of Motions. We are always amazed to see how students grasp advanced concepts quickly when new topics are taught in an interdisciplinary manner." -- Rupali Sharma, Founder and Director at The T.E.C. Schools THINK. EXPLORE. CREATE.